First of all do a little research and created a list of some daily things you need to be doing to keep things flowing, lemon water, deep breathing and small amounts of yoga, chiropractor visits, walking, etc.
Pregnancy is a wonderful period in life where a great deal of personal time and energy is given to the miracle of life...and another one of God's creations. A period where, during times of relaxation, one can communicate positive affirmations to the yet-to-be-born child. But!!! It is not as simple as that may sound, it is also a time where tremendous changes are going on in the body. Hormonal, circulatory, structural, and emotional changes all present a variety of physical and emotional challenges that need to be addressed while the one carrying the child is usually trying to carry on a busy, “normal” life. Essential oils, blends, supplements, and other products can help make this whole period a lot easier.
There are many, many more doTERRA essential oils that are AWESOME for pregnancy, especially if you’re planning on a natural birth. Since they’re 100% natural and are CPTG (certified pure therapeutic grade) then you can use many of doTERRA’s essential oils without worry during pregnancy.
Even in a normal pregnancy morning sickness may be one of the unwanted side effects. This nausea normally occurs during the first trimester but on occasion can extend into the second and even the third (sorry). If morning sickness is experienced it is because of the hormonal changes occurring in the body which usually levels off as the pregnancy progresses. There are a few steps that can be taken that help many in reducing the uncomfortable nausea.
· Get sufficient rest, Serenity: especially nearing delivery
· Get plenty of water (and a drop of lemon essential oil with each glass of water will help)
· Small, multiple meals (avoid fatty foods)
· Have good nutritional supplements (the doTERRA Life Long Wellness trio is a perfect supplement)
When nausea is eminent or occurs use essential oils; ginger, peppermint, and the blend DigestZen are all known for quieting an upset stomach. Either topically rub the oils, with a carrier, on your tummy, or take them internally in a capsule or sipped with water or juice. Some of the best results I've seen, have been with peppermint under the nose, across the forehead and where your ribs come together about mid chest. Then keep a pretty steady flow of something calm but nutritive like raw almonds. I would use the peppermint often, maybe even 10+ times a day, whenever you need it. All best!
DigestZen and/or Peppermint: a drop under the tongue, rubbed on abdomen, a few drops in a capsule a couple times a day, or rubbed on the bottoms of your feet.
Be consistent use synergistic methods of application. Stimulate the Pericardium 6 or P6 acupuncture point on your wrist. Apply topically to your stomach, put 4 drops in a 00 capsule and take internally.
You can also apply to a pressure point on the outside edge of your ear - right across from the opening. Stick your finger in your ear and then slide it across to the outside edge. You can run your finger down the inside of the outside ridge of your ear and most will feel a little bump. The pressure spot is just below it. Many people notice a sore spot there when you squeeze it. If you feel a tender area there, you’ve found the right place. Apply pressure with a drop of ginger, peppermint or DigestZen whenever you feel the nausea, just find the place and squeeze that area with a good amount of pressure and hold it for 30 seconds. If the nausea is still there, you can hold it for up to 2 minutes. And you can use either ear or even alternate if you wish. Apply essential oils hourly or more if you are dealing with severe nausea.
Bleeding during pregnancy can be serious and seeking professional medical counsel is advised. The first trimester of pregnancy is when most miscarriages happen and bleeding usually precedes them. On the other hand about fifty percent of those experiencing early bleeding go on to have successful births.
Vaginal bleeding can occur frequently in the first trimester of pregnancy and may not be a sign of problems. But bleeding that occurs in the second and third trimester of pregnancy can often be a sign of a possible complication. Bleeding can be caused by a number of reasons.
Some basic things to know about bleeding are:
- If you are bleeding, you should always wear a pad or panty liner so that you can monitor how much you are bleeding and what type of bleeding you are experiencing.
- You should never wear a tampon or introduce anything else into the vaginal area such as douche or sexual intercourse if you are currently experiencing bleeding.
- Vaginal bleeding
- Cramping pain felt low in the stomach (stronger than menstrual cramps)
- Tissue passing through the vagina
- If you are also experiencing any of this other symptoms mentioned it could be a possible complication, you should contact your health care provider immediately.
With the added weight of the pregnancy and a new and changing “center of gravity” your back will experience extra strain so it is important to take good care of it. Consider:
- Use normal good posture techniques.
- Straight spine and shoulders back when sitting or standing.
- Give up the high heels!!!!!
- Some recommend sleeping on the left side and roll to the side when getting up from a sleeping position.
- Low Back & Leg Pain & Pressure- Deep Blue & AromaTouch: used during a nightly massage is wonderful!
Edema is swelling in any part of the body. During pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, some swelling is not unusual. This is typically in the feet and legs but can be in the hands or face as well. Don't forget the obvious with swelling and that would be potassium deficiency. So it won't hurt to start eating some bananas. Are you on the LLW?
Here are a few blends:
- Rub Aroma Touch on legs and ankles, that has all the good oils in it.
- Grapefruit, Lemongrass, Cypress: put 2-3 drops each in a roller bottle with fractionated coconut oil and roll on ankles and feet a few times a day especially at the end of the day.
- Drink plenty of water with lemon.
- You can alternate Wintergreen with the Aroma Touch.
- Evening blend in a capsule, 8 drops geranium, 5 drops cypress and 5 drops helichrysum.
- When you are rubbing the oils on topically use coconut oil for smooth coverage and it is good for you also.
The cause of the swelling is the normal increase in bodily fluids required by the body to sustain mom and baby. Although some swelling is not out of the ordinary it is complicated by the fact that edema is also one of the early symptom of pre-eclampsia (toxemia) that can be a very serious condition. Toxemia could include other symptoms such as headaches, blurred vision, dizziness or stomach pains. If at all suspicious about such a complication consult a medical professional who will test for the other indicators of toxemia; high blood pressure and excess protein in the urine.
To reduce normal swelling consider local massage, especially on the feet and legs. Valerie Worwood recommends using a blend of 3 drops ginger, 2 drops cypress, 2 drops lavender added to 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil. The local massage should always start with the feet and movements should always be towards the heart. Again the AromaTouch blend or other oils that you find beneficial can be used.Toxemia
Pre-eclampsia may occur in the latter half of pregnancy and includes high blood pressure (headaches, dizziness, nausea), protein in the urine, and edema (swelling in the feet and legs). Cases may be mild or severe. Serious cases pose dangers for mother and baby so if more than mild symptoms occur professional medical help should be consulted.
but if you have recently been experiencing swelling in your lower legs, feet, and hands, use cypress & lemongrass on the bottom of your feet at night and you will see amazing success a day after. also drink lots of lemon water. The edemish stuff isn't really bad but I imagine it could get worse if you don't keep on it.
During pregnancy the weight of baby coupled with the additional blood produced by the body puts pressure on veins and arteries in lower abdomen. This can cause varicose veins in the legs where the veins become swollen and itchy. Although not dangerous to the mom or baby that can cause discomfort and be unsightly and unhealthy longer term.
Here are some ways to help. Not over exerting, especially in lifting, would be a good precautionary measure. Also resting periodically with the legs higher than the heart is another help. Couple with this a massage using an essential oils blend of 3 parts geranium, 1 part cypress mixed with a carrier oils like VCO (Virgin Coconut Oils) and topically applied twice a day. The massage strokes should not apply a great deal of pressure directly on the veins and should be gentle strokes from the ankles to the thigh with the motions towards the heart.
Constipation, for some, accompanies pregnancy. This highlights the importance of a good diet that in our day and time must include dietary supplements. As referenced elsewhere the doTERRA Life Long Wellness trio is an ideal set of dietary supplements. Beyond this lots of fiber should be in everyday meals along with lots of raw fruits and vegetables.
For those episodes where relief is needed from constipation consider the oils ginger and peppermint or the DigestZen blend. These can be taken internally by mixing with water or a warm tea or with 1 to 3 drops in a capsule.
Unfortunately pressure from constipation can result in the uncomfortable condition of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids have as a root cause the same elements as varicose veins with the additional blood produced by the body and downward pressure of the baby putting additional pressure on the veins than then might be weakened by the strain from constipation.
The blend of geranium and cypress mentioned with varicose veins is highly recommended. Others have used helichrysum very successfully. Topical application, with a carrier oil, to the affected area 2 or 3 times a day will be helpful.
Most women are susceptible to stretch marks as a result of pregnancy, but with proper use of essential oils there is no need for these reminders. Stretch marks come in the obvious places where excess fat resides or from the natural enlargement from the baby. Start early, even before the reddish-purple streaks appear, moisturizing and healing the skin with an essential oil ointment.
DoTerra makes a moisturizing skin lotion with lavender, jasmine, geranium, and frankincense essential oils that is prepared and ready to go that it calls IMMORTELLE. Or, like many choose to do, just mix your own cream with the blend that suits you perfectly. An important part of this cream will be the base or carrier oil you use. Virgin Coconut Oils (VCO) is excellent. Oils for skin care include lavender, frankincense, helichrysum, and geranium. Also if you want to avoid stretch marks: A mixture of 2-3 drops of each Helichrysum, Lavender, Frankincense, 1 cup Virgin Olive Oil, and liquid from 6 capsules of Vitamin E and 4 capsules Vitamin A. Apply morning and night after the first trimester.
- To induce or speed up labor- Clary Sage: it is a uterine tonic. Place a drop on ankle reflex points.
- To calm and focus Mom- Balance: diffuse or just open the bottle for smelling
- Energy during labor- Peppermint: topically, in water, or diffused
- Back Labor-Peppermint and/or Deep Blue: especially with a posterior baby
- To avoid or minimize tearing- Helichrysum: use for a couple weeks before birth as well and for perineal massage.
- After birth bleeding-Clary Sage, White Fir, Helichrysum, and Ylang Ylang: this tones things back up quickly. Place mix on ankle reflex points.
- Pain and inflammation- Lavender and Frankincense: on frozen feminine pads for soothing, healing, and inflammation for immediately after the birth
- Cramping & Abdominal Pain- Deep Blue: (along with acetaminophen and ibuprofen for the first 48 hours)rubbed directly on lower abdomen
- Hemorrhoids-Cypress, Geranium, Clary Sage, Helichrysum: 1-2 drops of each in a spray bottle base of Fractionated oil for Hemorrhoids. Apply each time you use the restroom.
- Nipple Soreness- Helichrysum & Lavender: for breastfeeding soreness (brings healing and elasticity- cut down soreness to 2 days vs. 10-14 days)
- Yeast infection (avoid and kill) Melaleuca: Apply with a squirt bottle after urinating. Mix with Fractionated coconut oil for Diaper rash.
For Baby
- Umbilical Cord- Myrrh: serves as a liquid band-aid, (avoids infection & cord fell off in 3 days vs. 7-9 days)
- Birth trauma relief- Balance: along the spine and bottoms of baby’s feet-“Chiropractor in a bottle”
Wondering what doTERRA essential oils would be beneficial for your pregnancy? Here are a few I’d recommend having on hand:
- lemon– awesome for decreasing swelling and helping you feel more refreshed; use by putting a few drops in your glass of water daily (or more if desired)
- lavender– stops pre-term labor contractions (I tested this MANY times & it always worked, without fail); use by rubbing directly on your belly or by putting a few drops in a cup of epsom salts, mixing and then dumping the mixture into a warm bath
- peppermint– fabulous for decreasing nausea; use by putting a few drops on the bottoms of your feet at night to ease morning sickness and/or putting a few drops in a glass of water to relieve nausea
- Deep Blue (blend) – especially helpful for all the aches and soreness during pregnancy; use by putting a few drops in your palm with a dime-sized amount of coconut/olive/grapeseed oil and rub directly on wherever you’re feeling pain (enhance the effects of this more by then soaking in the bath)
A special THANKS to Everything Essential for this informative compilation of information regarding the uses of essential oils for the childbearing years! By law, we are required to tell you that these statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and are not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any medical condition. As always, if you have a serious medical condition, see your physician.
The thoughts expressed are that the doTERRA oils are tested and certified (CPTG) and this extra measure of purity explains why these oils can be used with confidence.
The following partial list of essential oils gives the prevailing wisdom on how essential oils may be used during pregnancy:
Those oils O.K. to use: bergamot, coriander, frankincense, geranium, grapefruit, lavender, lemon, sandalwood, wild orange, ylang ylang
Oils that for some would be better used with a carrier oil or diluted in other ways: clove, cypress, eucalyptus, ginger, helichrysum, lemongrass, marjoram, melaleuca, myrrh, oregano, peppermint, Roman chamomile.
"Be cautious about using essential oils during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. Even oils that are generally safe during this time may be too stimulating for women who are prone to miscarriage.” (Aromatherapy, A Complete Guide to the Healing Art, by Kathy Keville & Mandy Green).Consult a physician before using basil, cassia, cinnamon, clary sage, helichrysum, rosemary, thyme, vetiver and wintergreen. Things like peppermint can be a stimulant in the 3rd trimester and can cause early labor if used to heavily. As with most any medications that you find over the counter they are required to put these warnings out there. Remember with all oils its better to use in a smaller amount more ofter then one larger amount just once a day.
For a more information on essential oils and pregnancy Valerie Ann Worwood has an excellent section in her book, The Complete Book of Essential Oils & Aromatherapy, first published in 1955.
Low Back & Leg Pain & Pressure- Deep Blue & AromaTouch: used during a nightly massage is wonderful!Low Back & Leg Pain & Pressure- Deep Blue & AromaTouch: used during a nightly massage is wonderful!
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