A normal fertile couple, under the right circumstances, has a 90% chance of becoming pregnant in the first 12 months.... hummmm OMG this is having realistic expectations!!!! Almost a year ago I went to my normal Ob-Gyn visit and she told me something that i never thought about it before, we were talking about How soon can I expect to be pregnant? She told me that get pregnant it is more difficult that we were thinking, that if a couple are fertile and having intercourse at the absolute perfect time of her cycle, that the chance of becoming pregnant that month is 35%. If they have perfect timed intercourse 3 months in a row, the chance of becoming pregnant sometime in that 3 months is 50%. If the same fertile couple has intercourse at the absolute perfect time of her cycle for 6 months in a row, their chance of becoming pregnant is 72%.
Conclusion: we have about a 35 percent chance of getting pregnant within the first month of actively trying. If everything is working correctly, you have a 90 percent chance of conceiving within the first year of trying (and about 80 percent after six months). So my advice is that if you've been casually trying to get pregnant for six months and have been unsuccessful, get real serious about it over the next six months. After that, it's not a bad idea to see a fertility specialist to help you identify potential causes of infertility.
Traking your period symptoms and figuring out when you ovulate it could be really helpfull
Some women simply stop using birth control when they're ready to get pregnant and let fate decide when they'll conceive. Others like me take a more calculated approach by charting their periods and tracking symptoms to try to pinpoint their fertile days each month.
Use an ovulation calculator to get a rough estimate. If you want to be more exact, start charting your basal body temperature (BBT) and the changes in your cervical mucus. Tracking these symptoms over several months can help you figure out when you're ovulating during each cycle.
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